With our Web Hosting Control Panel, it will be easy to supervise every aspect of your online presence. You will have access to detailed reports, which will supply you with live information on the hosting resources your sites are using along with the visitors they’re getting. You will also find some important details about Host My Site’s hosting servers as a whole. The data is broken into portions, so that you can instantly find your way around.

Server Info

Look into the hosting server’s OS, IP address, and so on.

From the Web Statistics Manager part of the Web Hosting Control Panel, you will get up–to–date information about the hosting server including the OS that’s utilized or even the real IP address of your web hosting account. Additionally, you will find useful information for your own website development plans like the current variations of PHP, MySQL and Perl, in addition to the installed Perl modules. Mailing server information like the sendmail path as well as the inbound and outbound mailingl servers is also featured.

All the web hosting server info is presented in an easily readable way so that you can easily find the facts you may need.

Hepsia File Manager

Access & Error Reports

Get hold of info about your web sites’ general performance

Utilizing the data generated in the Access and Error Listing part of the Web Hosting Control Panel, you can uncover any kind of possible troubles with the performance of your web sites. The access stats will highlight all kinds of files including texts, pictures and movies that have been reviewed by your site visitors whilst the error records will capture just about any cautions and problems that have taken place throughout their stay on your site.

You can get the access and error record files for each of your active websites from the Web Statistics Manager part of your Web Hosting Control Panel.

Hepsia File Manager

Traffic Reports

View your site visitors live

Overseeing the web site data of your web site is the right way to observe how your online strategy is working. With the Web Hosting Control Panel bundled online statistics applications – Webalizer and Awstats, you will see the volumes of viewers that flock to your website, in addition to the volume of hits they create and webpages they open on a day–to–day, weekly and monthly base.

To review the statistics data, just go to the Website Stats section of your Web Hosting Control Panel and then open up the stats file for a particular domain. It is not necessary to setup anything on your side. We switch on the stats immediately after your website goes online and begins getting visits.

Hepsia File Manager

CPU Stats

Monitor your web sites’ CPU load

The web server’s CPU is essential for the communication between your web site and its visitors. The more advanced and resource–absorbing your web sites are, the more web server resources and CPU time will be needed for them to work.

From the CPU statistics section of the Web Hosting Control Panel, you’ll be able to watch the utilization of CPU resources accumulated by all of your web sites. This can permit you to consider prompt procedures and enhance your web sites in case the CPU consumption allowance is exceeded. You will see comprehensive CPU statistics for every day and month or for an entire year.

Hepsia File Manager