The quicker you establish your web site, the swifter your ideas are going to go live. That’s why, we’ve made a great collection of more than 800 complimentary templates that are showcased inside our Web Hosting Control Panel. You don’t need to waste a long time exploring galleries of very close web templates and praying that you might identify a specialized style for your website. The themes are completely customizable and are also accessible with each of our cloud web hosting accounts.

The templates are devoted to different subjects and activities. Our company offers themes that happen to be good for private sites like blogs and for organization sites, like online stores. The vast majority of templates are readily available simply with Host My Site’s hosting services, and this provides you with the ability to employ a completely unique style for your website.

800+ Complimentary Templates

Completely customizable. Automated Setting up

To save you time in picking the appropriate appearance for your website, we’ve launched a group of over 800 complimentary templates within the Host My Site Control Panel. The templates are engineered to handle various topics and necessities – you can get web templates for both personal web sites just like blogs or portfolios and also company sites or web shops.

Each of our complimentary templates are offered along with both Host My Site’s 1 Click App Installer and the Simple Web Site Installer. Because of this you are able to set up the template that appeals to you on a completely new website in seconds.

Free Website Themes

Complimentary App Templates

Find complimentary templates for your forthcoming app

With the tools that you have got out there in the Host My Site Control Panel, you can quickly create a fresh Joomla web site or even a WordPress blog completely from scratch. Additionally you can decide on an appealing style and design for your site from a huge selection of tailor–made themes.

You can find a new custom theme together with the following web apps: Wordpress, Joomla, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery). Our themes are work with all releases of those web apps and can be downloaded without cost at any moment.

Free App Themes

Complimentary Site Builder Templates

100+ totally customizable complimentary templates

If you want to develop your own site and save cash on web design, it is possible to make the most of the Free Of Charge Web Site Generation Tool. It’s a web template–centered web site constructor that requires simply no HTML or CSS skills by you, and it is accessible for free of charge with every one of our cloud hosting packages.

The tool comes equipped with over 100 completely unique styles and designs, which you can 100% alter to your preference. As these complimentary templates are produced for only the site builder, you can be sure that when you build your web site, it’s going to be unique.

Free Site Builder Themes