If your hosting provider offers live chat support, you are able to speak to an agent in real-time and find out useful info or get an issue resolved in a timely manner. The basic advantage of using chat compared to calling to talk with a live person is that you need only a computer with world wide web access, which means that you won't pay any charges if you're in another country or state. What's more, it'll be quicker to copy and paste details such as domains, usernames or error messages i.e. details that are sometimes hard to share with the other side on the telephone. The real-time chat is also a much quicker approach to contact the web hosting service provider's support crew in comparison to using a ticketing system. What's more, in the event that some problem needs a bit more time to be resolved, you'll be able to do something different while you wait for guidance on the live chat, so you won't lose time - something that's not possible when you are on the phone.
Live Chat Support in Cloud Web Hosting
As part of the support services that we provide for our cloud web hosting, we have live chat support which is online all the time, even on holidays. You will be able to get in touch with us regardless if you already have an account or not, as we will assist you with all sorts of things, ranging from supplying you with common info on our solutions if you are not a customer yet and you are thinking about acquiring one of the plans, to helping you with setting up an e-mail account in an e-mail client. Part of the problems are more complicated and time-consuming, which means that you'll have to employ the ticketing system which is incorporated into the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, but we can save you time and assist you in real time on the live chat for quite a few things.
Live Chat Support in Semi-dedicated Hosting
We provide a live chat service that is available to all our prospective and present customers. In case you're thinking about a new hosting account, you'll be able to chat in real time to one of our agents and obtain more details about our semi-dedicated hosting so as to select the best plan for your websites. If you already have an account with us, we'll support you in a timely manner with general, billing and first-level techmatters. Although in certain cases you will need to open a ticket since there're issues that can't be resolved through a live chat, we can help you with various standard tasks, for instance setting up an e-mail account in an email client or redirecting one domain name to another. In this way, you'll benefit from timely support and you will save many hours.